Awareness Buzz

Mar 10, 2012

Question for the Day..

Q.There is a famous book - 'The C programming language'.Who are the authors of this book?
(Hint:They are often referred to as K & R.)

Note:I suggest that you first try to attempt these questions on your own and try all sorts of possible answers and put your logical sense and then you can always turn up to the net or wait for the answer we give..

Bonne Chance!


  1. Hey Guys!Don't forget that your name will be put on here-

    As you can see that the people who answered the previous questions have their names there...

    Ready to boost your Trivia?

  2. Time's Up!
    People, +Shambhavi Krishna answered this question...Actually, I did share this post on Google+ on my page where +Shambhavi answered this question-
    "yes.... it is Kernighan and Dennis Richie.."(Quoted)

    Still Lemme tell you the answer..This book is written by Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie..Tnese two are known as K & R because to the first letter of their surname's.These two have also co-founded the Unix Operating System..
