Awareness Buzz

Mar 10, 2012

iOS 5.1 Released....

Readers, are you aware that the iOS 5.1 is released for the devices along with the Launch of the new i-Pad...

How happy was I to see that..

Ups And Downs..
This update is offering many things...The Update says-"Addresses bugs affecting battery life" ..I wish it sticks to it literal meaning.."Finally Apple solves its battery issue with iOS 5.1," wrote one user on the Mac Forum. " Huge improvement," wrote another.What is your observation??Let us know!
Look at this video to know more about the features-

3G to 4G?
After updating to iOS 5.1 , many of you may be in tension or on the seventh cloud after seeing that the 3G on the bar has turned to 4G.That will happen only if you are a AT&T iPhone owner..This change reflects that the iPhone is connecting to AT&T’s HSPA+ network, which is essentially a faster version of 3G. For comparison, HSPA+ supports a raw downstream capability of up to 14 Mbps compared to a maximum download rate of 73 Mbps for LTE (Long Term Evolution).(Source:tidbits)

So..Hang On for more!

Related:New Ipad

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