Awareness Buzz

Mar 16, 2012


The Actual competition is over now..

Email Address:
Your Age... Under 10

Ok...People..You need to answer the name of the thing or whatever I am pointing too..I am giving you hints!Don't get confused and be patient and try this..
1.Hold it virtually..Was I born in 94?
2.A tree stem.. Did you know that the 2010 FIFA Finalists had elephants!
3.Ban You!(If you are confused,write to me at..)
4.I modify the program code when you attach me to a file!!
5.J.L.L was the greatest songwriter of his Generation but the Sun is complete...
6.Jonathon Swift was a great author but humans are all ------ and ----- they will remain..To which site am i referring?
7.As clever as a ---..Manufacturing is increasing..
8.Symen is my best friend and his head office is near Ellis's house..
9.What am I hinting to? "Tux,My friend lives in the 256th house from here.."
10.In Nameland Telephones Exceed Limit..

Note: There will be Level 2 for selected people..

All the Best!


  1. The name "Techyrun" is going out of the boundary. (At the top)

  2. Friend, I know that very well...But Blogspot doesn't have a selection of many sizes just small medium and large..So I had to choose the large one..

    Well..Try the Quiz and i'll change the thing..

  3. Be thankful to our team who managed the thing within 12 hours of commenting...

  4. Who has been selected for level 2 ????
