Awareness Buzz

Dec 30, 2011

How to win a Nobel Prize?

Johns Hopkins Magazine takes a lighthearted look at Adam Riess’ path to winning a Nobel Prize for physics. 
In October Riess spoke with Patch about the Nobel win, which he shares with two others, for the 1998 discovery of the accelerating expansion of the universe. He accepted the award in Stockholm earlier this month.

Riess explains, with little gravity, how the world’s most prestigious award is won.

How to win a Nobel Prize:

1.Pick a project. Among the wish list options early on in Riess’ career was “making first contact with E.T.” He wisely chose to study the universe’s expansion instead.

Discover something mind-blowing—like dark energy, for example. To do this, you need to follow some steps within steps: Observe, analyze, do the math. Then publish, promote, repeat. 
Be awakened by a phone call at 5:30 a.m. by someone who has a Swedish accent but who isn’t from Ikea.
Explain to your 7-year-old daughter that winning the Nobel Prize is like getting a gold star for your schoolwork.

(Source:Johns Hopkins Magazine)

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