Awareness Buzz

Nov 23, 2011

Introducing Chromebook from Google!

Here..Presenting you with the Chromebook..
And..Not familiar with this word?Have a look here!
It's nothing but just the web!It can work almost everywhere...Kind of creative.I think it's like a Macbook..??

                     Or you may find this video useful..

I think it's something like $350 or $450 (Us Dollars) and it can be Rs.18,000-24,000(Indian Rupees)

So , planning to buy it??Go ahead!

Tanmay Bansal

Nov 22, 2011

Discovery made in '60 merits Nobel Prize.

A celebratory appearance on Parliament Hill this week and a new book paying tribute to James Till's achievements as a global pioneer in stem-cell science could help position the renowned medical researcher for an honour that eluded his fellow Canadian collaborator, the late Ernest McCulloch: a Nobel Prize.
Joe Sornberger, author of a newly published account of the Canadian team's discovery of stem cells in 1960 — Dreams & Due Diligence — calls the Nobel committee's lack of recognition.............Read More>>>

Anushka Bansal

Wassup about iOS 5.0.2??

In the last week, it became clear that iOS 5.0.2 in the same week as a download for iPhone, iPad, iPod touch available for distribution. But it is (as of today) is probably nothing. The plans were then to go from Apple that the problems with the ring-possible battery life should ( eliminated. At this planning has also changed, but the road is longer than originally thought. On Monday Cupertino provides its developers with the information that the future iOS update should be moved, addressing errors are reported as the reason. Apparently intended to prevent a throw to iOS 5.0.3 shortly after the iOS 5.0.2 on the market, which deals with the matter again.

 We are not really sure if they are quite credible in predicting the release of iOS 5.0.2. But one thing is definitely confirmed that either today or tomorrow, iOS 5.0.2 would hit to our devices in the form of an OTA update. There are less chances that any beta would be pushed for developers to try out on their devices. Instead, it would be released for public directly after the vigorous testing from Apple. Needless to say, the major software update, iOS 5.1 will be seeded to developers sometime this year.

So...What do you think??

Tanmay Bansal

Nov 17, 2011

Now Anna??

Lots of people already demanded Bharat Ratna for Master-Blaster Sachin Tendulkar but Here comes Anna Hazare, A social crusader comes with his demand as well..
Anna Hazare

  Anna Hazare says that Sachin Tendulkar should be honoured with Bhara Ratna due to his contribution to Indian and International cricket..
Sachin Tendulkar

"Sachin deserves Bharat Ratna for his valuable contribution to the country. He has made the country proud and inspired the youths," said Hazare on the sidelines of an inaugural ceremony of a cricket competition at Ralegan Siddhi.

"When Tendulkar has taken the country's name to great heights, when the youth are highly inspired by him, why he should not be felicitated with Bharat Ratna," Hazare asked.Hazare added that(Source:Times of India) many youths who have have joined the cricket field have been inspired by Tendulkar. They consider him a role model and want to play like him. He has done a great job for the country.Hazare also played a few cricketing shots during the inaugural function.

Well...Let's see if Tendulkar gets Bharat Ratna..

Tanmay Bansal

Nov 15, 2011

Another demand comes ...

After Bal Thackeray, Asha Bhosle and lots of such...comes Deepika Padukone (a bollywood actress)..

  Deepika wants Bharat Ratna to be awarded to his father-Prakash Padukone.

"As a daughter, I want my father to be honoured with the title of Bharat Ratna, considering his contribution to badminton throughout his career," Deepika told reporters

Prakash Padukone is a former badminton player from Karnataka, India.

Here....we compiled his major achievements..

->He won the third prize in World Championships held at Copenhagon(Denmark) in 1983.
->He won the commonwealth game held in Canada in 1978
->He won the world cup in 1981
->He won the World Grand Prix 2 times in 1979 and 1980 in Denmark and England respectively.

Contribute your views by commenting..

Anushka Bansal

Nov 13, 2011

What is IPhone 4S??

On my last post one of my friends asked my that what is IPhone 4s?
I am here with his answer....
It's a video.....Good??
Thanks to Apple company...

Anushka Bansal

November 25...

A great day to Iphone fans..
Iphone 4S release dates are decided!
It's November 25 2011..
Airtel will launch iPhone 4S on November 25. The major stores across India would be open at the time of the launch and people would be able to buy iPhone 4S as soon as clock strikes 00:01 on November 25, sources said.

All this was announced on Facebook..

Get yours!

Tanmay Bansal

iOS 5..

You need to know more about it...

Think that you know a lot about iOS 5???What do you know??
Not much..Check out this video to know much about it..This guy is intelligent!
Like it...Right??Thanks to me!:-P

Tanmay Bansal

Nov 12, 2011

Ah..another one passed away..

Chandigarh mourns death of Nobel laureate Hargobind Khorana

Panjab University alumnus, Hargobind Khorana, the biochemist who received the Nobel Prize in physiology or(source:hindustan times) medicine passed away in Concord, Massachusetts, US, on November 9. He was 89. His daughter Julia and son Dave survive him. 

He was the First to demonstrate the role of Nucleotides in protein synthesis..

Unfortunately,He passed away on November 9, 2011 (aged 89)....

Tanmay Bansal


Herbert A. Hauptman, Nobel Laureate, Dies at 94.

Herbert A. Hauptman, a mathematician who shared the 1985 Nobel Prizein Chemistry with the chemist Jerome Karle for(Source:Google) their development of revolutionary methods for determining the structure of molecules vital to life, died on Sunday in Buffalo. He was 94.
Hauptman has authored over 170 publications, including journal articles, research papers, chapters and books.his Alma-meter was University of Maryland, College Park.He unfortunately died onOctober 23, 2011 (aged 94).

Nov 11, 2011

Bad Battery!

Iphone / Itouch 4S battery is Ridiculous..
Solve your Problem...

Have an I-phone 4 or I-touch 4 ??? I have one..And I know how ridiculous is it's battery life..And in the all(Source:osxdaily) new Advanced iOS 5 ..It's terrible..I know how to solve it because I know the culprit..It's the Location Services !though it's useful but it's responsible for all this mess...

Lemme tell you the Steps to improve the situation of your battery life..

1.Tap on “Settings” and go to “Location Services”
2.Disable some Location services which you don't use..(eg.Reminders)
3.Now! Tap on System Services
  1. Compass Calibration
  2. Diagnostics & Usage
  3. Setting Time Zone
Save iPhone 4S battery life
5.Close Settings..

You are done!Try it!

Software 5.0.1 update..

The feedback is not good...5.0.1 actually fixes the bugs causing battery problems..Actualy lemme tell you some (source: slashgear)people are reporting loss of 1% battery in 1 minute..Isn't that very bad??

let me know if your battery life is also not good...By??By commenting.

Tanmay Bansal

Nov 8, 2011

NFS Hot Pursuit is here for Android..

Hey!!Need For Speed Fans..his news is for you..
N.F.S was already there in the app Store..(I am a big fan of his game.. play it often in my Apple Device) and also was there in the Samsung Apps store..But now!It hits the Android Market..

This game is currently available only to users in select regions only and is priced at Rs 343 approximately for Indian users.Though it's free on samsung Apps and the trial version is free on App Store..

I think you'd love to download it if the price is a bit low....But still..Thanks Android.

Tanmay Bansal

Nov 7, 2011

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday to you...Today is 7th November..It's been 144 years since Marie Curie's birthday...
She was a Polish–French physicist–chemist famous for her pioneering research on radioactivity..
She was awarded the Nobel Prize..

Wow!google even created a good Doodle on this-

Post by-
Tanmay Bansal